Electronic Messaging Certified with legal validity
Notifications and communications by Certified Messaging worldwide
Certified Electronic Messaging in all languages
Notifications and contracts by Certified Electronic Messaging in much of the world, in all languages, with full documentary certification in minutes.
Now you can make your important notifications and communications through Full Certificate, provider of audited electronic trust, with full legal validity.
An ideal channel for legal communications with legal validity, with multiple uses in much of the world, being one of the most used digital channels by the users.
Certified Electronic Messaging is used by more than 2 billion people in more than 180 countries, with which the scope of its communications reach their addressee is very high.
Full Certificate captures all electronic evidence of communications by Certified Electronic Messaging generating an electronic certificate with all the legal guarantees at the level of proof of delivery, reading and download.
We recommend you select the service “Certified Electronic Messaging Full Documentation” where you can have in the same certificate of all the aforementioned electronic evidence, as well as the documentation that needs to be sent to the recipient fully integrated in the Pdf of the certificate.
- Certified Electronic Messaging for labor matters such as dismissals, serious misconduct, etc.
- Certified Electronic Messaging for quantity claims
- Certified Electronic Messaging for notifications to service providers
- Certified Electronic Messaging for notifications to freelancers and professionals
- Certified Electronic Messaging for sending invoices
- Certified Electronic Messaging for contract signing
- Certified Electronic Messaging for payments on account with smart Payments
- Certified Electronic Messaging for Friendly Recovery with smart Recovery
- Certified Electronic Messaging for social issues such as harassment, bullying, etc.
- Certified Electronic Messaging for couples in separation and custody of minors
- Certified Electronic Messaging to support Inheritance and elderly management positions.
Multi-channel notifications: You will be able to make multi-channel notifications, so that they are a perfect complement as evidence in a possible trial. We recommend starting with the Online Postal Burofax with home delivery, and after the period deemed appropriate, sending a second notification by Certified eMails and a last one by SMS Certificate. With these three legally valid communication channels, in addition to the Certified Fax and Certified Calls channels you will have one of the best certified multi-channel communication strategies on the market.
In communications with legal validity, we remind you of the importance of your provider being audited in accordance with the EU regulations of trust services.
Full Certificate is a European Trusted Electronic Service Provider and guarantees that your communications, notifications and contracts have full legal validity.
A fast, economical and ecological service, which you can perform from the comfort of your computer.
In addition, we offer, with all our products, the Notarial Testimony Service on demand: a notary will generate and incorporate into your protocol as additional proof all the certifications issued by our system.
Our services save thousands of hours for our clients and allow access to high-value advanced services for your company or office through Full’s corporate plans Certificate.
If you wish to contact us, please click here.
Multi-channel notifications: You will be able to make multi-channel notifications, so that they are a perfect complement as evidence in a possible trial. We recommend starting with the Online Postal Burofax with home delivery, and after the period deemed appropriate, sending a second notification by Certified eMails and a last one by SMS Certificate. With these three legally valid communication channels, in addition to the Certified Fax and Certified Calls channels you will have one of the best certified multi-channel communication strategies on the market.